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♥ Aida Chummy ♥ Form 3 ♥ SMK TAR ♥ Klang ♥

Diaries Owner Mtrhns Bestie

hello peeps ! enjoy your blog walking here :D ami's



basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: aidashrmn


Heyy, lama tak update, hee. Ini pun Fauziah yang suruh update.
No idea lah bro. Hmm, let's story about this holiday.
Okayy, masa berlalu tanpa kita sedar aite? Sedar-sedar, aku dah nak naik FORM3
Still can't believe it !! 
Rasa nak cepat-cepat habis cuti. Then, habis pmr. Woahh, mesti lega en?
Cuti ni, aku rindu mereka mereka :')

And others. hee. Act, dh plan tau nal hang bagai. Tapi, last2, aku yg tak join :p
Cuti ni, kena study elokelok sbb kami #TeamPMR2013 :')
Doakan aku dpt study dgn betul, hee.

Aku semakin rancak dgn twitter. Jyeahh.
Do follow, kahkah :p @chummyyummyy
Hopefully, ramai akan stay next year. And, aku duduk sebelah MYROT in class:DD

#Wish2013 : Belajar leklok and capai matlamat. Chiaooo~