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♥ Aida Chummy ♥ Form 3 ♥ SMK TAR ♥ Klang ♥

Diaries Owner Mtrhns Bestie

hello peeps ! enjoy your blog walking here :D ami's



basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: aidashrmn

remember my sis, AINA ?

say goodbye to her ;(
coz dye dh nk blek asrama tomorrow. :PPP ehehhh ;DD dye dok Sekolah Seri Puteri. pape pon, sian arr kat dye. dye enn PMR this year. ary uh, dye frust pulak. smpai nanges x dpt buat krgn BI. ;((( sian kat dye. dye enn, funny. always buat lwk bile dye blek rumah. ktorg hepi seyhhh. dye kate, dye x suke form3. sye pon xsuke. nnt asek kene study, study ,study, study n study! HUH =,= penat seyhhh.
to aina : blaja rerajen . ingat ! kate nk *********** sebagai hadiah pmr . jgn asek hafal rep lagu korea erk. xD so, syg aina :* ;DD